Saturday, March 19, 2011
The tamasha at Wagah - Pakistani side
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A different experience - Pakistan Embassy in New Delhi

I VISITED THE PAKISTANI EMBASSY to make some enquiries about the visa process. Kya manzar hai! I have now visited quite a few embassies in New Delhi and I must say I got the best treatment at the Pakistan Embassy.
Generally the people manning the counters at European embassies are impolite but this man at the Pakistani embassy was 'Adab' at its best.Batayen Sir...Haan aapko visa mil jayega...aap ek letter mangvan le Pakistan se......." I felt really happy.
Even the people outside the embassy were different. Generally you find Sikhs all over the place in European..British embassies.But out here apart from people wearing the Muslim skull cap...there were people wearing huge pagdis...pathaan style and there were also Rajasthani pagdis...Perhaps a lot of people from Rajasthan have their relatives on the other side of the fence. It was quite an experience to be there.
One interesting thing is the fact that the ambience outside the embassy sometimes gives the semblance of a district court, with people sitting with typewriters. Its such a pain to get things typed. Interestingly and painfully, there is no soft copy of the visa form available on the website. So, we had to create one.

Not to take away from the experience, I guess one must visit the embassy in Delhi...its an interesting place to be in.
Quote on the Car